We scooted down wind averaging around 6kts from Shilshole to Vashon Island in the beautiful fresh Northerly. (Really need to get the Asym up and running and it would be more like 8kts!)
We spent the night at Dockton Park, a very small, quite yet very modern marina. For anyone thinking of spending a night here the docks are all free from 8am to 8pm, then there is very good anchorage for the night (some exposure to the North).
The next day was a grind beating all the way up to home in 7 hours in 10 - 25kts of sunny breeze.
Finally home where we got to enjoy the sunset over some brats from the new and improved BBQ. A great trip overall thanks to some last summer rays and my grandparents Liz and Carl who graciously drove us around Vashon and kept us fed.